10 02, 2017

Service Innovation – Mahindra Comviva

By |2024-12-10T18:27:07+00:00February 10th, 2017|Winners, Winners 2016|

Mahindra Comviva’s Rapid Auto Detection and Advanced Reporting (RADAR) is an autonomous model that facilitates the capture of data pertaining to QoE, performance and QoS. This is carried out through a combination of mobile simulation, trend analysis and data analytics.

10 02, 2017

Vodafone – Skilling India

By |2024-12-10T18:27:56+00:00February 10th, 2017|Winners, Winners 2016|

Vodafone handles 40 million calls a month Pan India. They have engaged with few BPOs who represent Vodafone and take inbound calls of existing and prospect customers. They have recently partnered with Rural Shores - world’s largest Rural BPO. They [...]

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