Holistic Approaches to Healthy Weight Management


Did you know that around 463 million adults have diabetes, and it’s projected to rise  to 700 million by 2045 worldwide? 

Did you know that cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of death, with  obesity significantly contributing to the high prevalence of heart conditions? 

Did you know hypertension prevalence among adults and children rose from 25% to  29%, with obesity being a major contributing factor? 

Did you know 70-80% of hypertension cases are related to overweight and obesity? Did you know 60-70% of girls and women with PCOS were obese? 

Did you know that children and adolescents who are obese are more likely to become  obese adults, increasing their risk of developing obesity-related health problems later  in life? 

Did you know that obesity can significantly impact mental health, increasing the risk of  depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem? 

Did you know that fatty liver disease, a condition where excess fat accumulates in the  liver, is strongly linked to obesity? 

Did you know that obesity is associated with an increased risk of developing other  critical ailments? 

Did you know that being underweight can be just as detrimental to your health as being  overweight? 

Obesity and its associated health complications pose a critical global health  challenge. These conditions significantly increase the risk of chronic diseases like  diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, depression, hormonal imbalance,  PCOS and more. Traditional weight management strategies often oversimplify the  issue, primarily focusing on dietary restrictions and physical activity. This traditional approach overlooks the crucial interplay of psychological, behavioral, social, and  environmental factors that profoundly influence an individual’s weight. 

As a result, many individuals encounter significant challenges in achieving and  maintaining a healthy weight. Unsustainable dieting practices, characterized by  extreme restrictions and rapid weight fluctuations (yo-yo dieting), are prevalent. 

Moreover, the emotional and psychological toll of weight struggles leads to various  mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. 

To effectively address this complex issue, a holistic approach is urgently needed. This  approach must acknowledge the multifaceted nature of weight management and  integrate a comprehensive understanding of the psychological, behavioral, social, and  environmental factors that contribute to weight challenges.  

There is a growing demand for comprehensive and personalised health solutions. 

This is where Skillzy Academy comes in. Skillzy is the brand name for Cherryskillz  Learning Pvt. Ltd. Our holistic weight management programs integrate mental,  psychological, emotional, physical, spiritual health, nutrition, and lifestyle modifications  into a cohesive one-stop solution for a healthy being. This Innovation in Health works  for girls and women of all age groups. This is a comprehensive, personalised,  organized, and structured approach. 

By getting into the root causes of weight gain or weight loss (hormonal health  assessment) and adopting sustainable lifestyle changes, health-conscious consumers  can achieve long-term results.  

Meet Skillzy Academy for Innovation in Health for Girls and Women of all age  groups: A Comprehensive Approach 

At every stage of life, prioritizing health and wellness is paramount for women. We  believe in empowering women to live vibrant, fulfilling lives through innovative  approaches that foster sustainable healthy habits. Our programs are designed to  address the unique needs and lifestyles of women of all ages, focusing on a holistic  framework that encompasses: 

  • Move More: Cultivating a love for movement through enjoyable activities that  boost energy, strengthen the body, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Nourish Wisely at Proper Timings: Embracing a balanced diet rich in whole  

foods, while enjoying mindful eating practices that support optimal energy levels  and overall well-being. 

  • Prioritize Sleep: Recognizing the vital role of quality sleep in physical and  mental restoration and providing strategies for improving sleep hygiene. Cultivate Inner Peace: Reducing stress and fostering emotional resilience  through mindfulness practices, stress management techniques, and cultivating  a positive mindset. 
  • Breathe with Intention: Harnessing the power of conscious breathing  techniques to reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and improve overall  respiratory health. 

Ready to unlock your full potential?

Contact us today to learn more about our programs and discover how we can support  you on your journey to a healthier, happier you. 

Social Impact and Sustainability of Our Health Innovation for Girls and Women 

  1. Enhanced Quality of Life, Healthy Weight Management and Overall Improvements  in Health 
  2. Empowerment of Girls and Women: 

Girls and women gaining confidence and control over their health through education  and participation in our structured health programs. 

  1. Community Building: 

Health challenges and the wellness programs are fostering a sense of community  and support, reducing feelings of isolation. 

  1. Mental Health Awareness: 

Emphasizing mindfulness and mental well-being helping to destigmatize mental  health issues and promoting open conversations. 

  1. Role Models: 

Successful health transformations inspire others, creating positive ripple effects  within families and communities. 

  1. Long-term Health Benefits: 

Sustainable habits formed through structured challenges are leading to lasting health  improvements, reducing the burden on healthcare systems. 

  1. Environmental Considerations: 

Promoting activities like brisk walking and yoga has minimised the environmental  impact compared to other fitness activities that require more resources. 

  1. Resource Efficiency: 

Digital health platforms and mobile apps have provided scalable and efficient  solutions, reaching a large audience with minimal resources. 

  1. Preventative Health: 

Focus on preventive measures is reducing the incidence of chronic diseases, leading  to lower healthcare costs and resource consumption in the long run. 

  1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 

Aligning with global goals such as SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), these  innovations contribute to broader societal and environmental sustainability efforts.

Looking into the future: A Healthier Nation, A Healthier World 

Imagine a future where every woman thrives. A future where vibrant health,  empowered communities, and lasting well-being are the norm. By prioritizing the  health of women, we unlock a ripple effect of positive change that extends to families,  communities, and society as a whole. 

The adage “A healthy woman, a healthy family” holds profound truth. When women  prioritize their well-being, the entire household flourishes. This holistic approach to  health is not just for women; it’s a pathway to a healthier future for everyone. 

Btw, this holistic approach can be followed by anybody while our focus remains on the  well-being of girls and women of all age groups. 

It’s a reality, and we’re excited to be leading the way. 

Join us on this journey to revolutionize healthy and balanced living and drive  inclusive growth in India.