One Click Technologies has been an innovator and a leader in cutting edge technology for customer support. The team has developed a unique product called Optimizer to help operators diagnose and troubleshoot the smart phone specific issues on customer’s devices remotely and automatically.

With Optimizer, Operators now do not need skilled and trained staff to solve the complex smart phone issues and can rather rely upon cost effective resources. Optimizer performs the diagnostic and troubleshooting tasks automatically and comes with an intuitive dashboard and guided support such that the less skilled agents can easily resolve the complex issues for customers.

Optimizer has two parts:

1. Self-Diagnostics: This application helps the customer to auto diagnose and rectify the issues on its device. Using this application, customer can change configurations (e.g. APN settings, email configuration etc.), perform setting modifications (e.g. changing network mode, auto start data connectivity and data roaming etc.), optimize device performance (battery, data etc.) without having to call the customer care.

2. Remote Diagnostics: This application helps the support center agentsto remotely run diagnostics and perform troubleshooting steps on customer’s device. The target device should have the self-diagnostics app installed on it for the agent to access. This product can be deployed in multiple ways viz.

a. Agents to perform remote diagnostics (web diagnostics with agents)

b. Customer to perform remote diagnostics on mobile device from web (web diagnostics with web self-care)

c. Customer to seek help from friends and relatives to perform diagnostics (web diagnostics with web self-